Ruth Owen| President
Hello, my name is Ruth and I am this year’s President of the Newcastle Surgical Society.
I have loved my time being part of the society and am delighted to be able to take on a central role in the committee. For the coming year we are planning to keep putting on fantastic events for our members including skills sessions, talks, dissections, autopsies and conferences.

Harry Carr| Talks Officer
Hi, I’m Harry and I am your talks secretary. For this year, I’ve decided to create a talks series entitled, ‘So you want to be a surgeon, but what’s stopping you?’. The talks will follow alongside the core curriculum our 1st and 2nd year students and aim to cover the ins-and-outs of main surgical specialties, the highs and the lows, and dispel any myths or concerns about a surgical career. Toward the latter end, we’ll have some additional talks including surgical research, how to best prepare yourself for the career, and what to do if you can’t decide between medicine and surgery. I am looking forward to seeing lots of you there.

Timothy Chu| Vice President
Hi I am Timothy and this year’s Vice President. This is my second year serving as a committee in Surgsoc and I hope to bring on last year’s good work and build on it. This year I have been managing the regional surgical mentorship scheme, which involves more than 120 surgeons and students in the North East. Having a keen interest in research, I have also started a new Journal Club this year with the hope of promoting medical research in the undergraduate level.

Melissa Gough| Treasurer
I am the Treasurer for the Surgical Society this year, and am delighted to have the pleasure of working with the committee to continue to build on SurgSoc’s great achievements to date.
I originally trained as a musician at Goldsmiths, University of London, before making the transition to studying medicine at Newcastle. I am currently a third year and have been enjoying my first clinical placements.
I have been committed to a career in surgery for the past three years (if not longer) and have spent a lot of time in theatres learning all about anatomy, especially neuroanatomy! I’m passionate about all things neurological and all of the latest developments in neuroscience.

Tom Spencer| Secretary
Hello my name is Tom and I am your Secretary for 2018/19. For the coming year, my priorities for the Surgical Society include improving access to surgery, getting best value for our members and making sure all events run smoothly. I originally served as a Police Officer in North Tyneside for 8 and a half years before deciding to study medicine in 2015. I am currently a fourth year and have special interests in neurology, microbiome, anatomy and all types of surgery. I am looking forward to an exciting year ahead, on the committee of an excellent society.

Aloysious Chow| Surgical Skills Officer
Hi I’m Aloy, your skills officer for the year. I really enjoy the hands on work that we do and think it’s really important for medical students to get a head start. It’s not just a fun thing to do, but I think it can open up many opportunities for you in medical school and after. Thats why I’ll do my best to organise workshops for you and bring the best mentors to help impart their skills. I’m also open to any and all suggestions for future workshops, cheers!

Anjana Varghese| Anatomy Teaching Representative
Hi I am Anjana and I am this year’s Anatomy Teaching Representative. I am currently intercalating, doing an Mres in Neuroscience. I am hoping to continue last year committee’s good work and build on it. I look forward to working with the new committee to have a great year full of exciting and new opportunities!

Nicholas Chung| Autopsy Officer
3rd year medical student
Hi, I’m Nick and I’m this year’s Autopsy Officer. Intriguing pathology and real-life anatomy await the legions who flock to the Sign-up Spreadsheets to partake in the intensely memorable and unique experience that is SurgSoc’s Autopsy sessions – and while I can’t promise Disneyland, I can promise to continue making these sessions as exciting, eye-opening and educational to all students to enjoy in the future. I hope to continue expanding the number of available slots, as well as work to ensure students consistently get the most out of their pathology experience.

Ellie Irwin| Events Officer
Hi, my name is Ellie and I am this year’s events secretary. I will be intercalating this year, completing an MRes in transplantation. I am excited to continue the excellent work of last year’s committee, organising the surgical careers roadshow in the Autumn term, followed by the conference in the Spring. The roadshow will provide you with the opportunity to learn more about the various surgical specialties and meet surgeons keen to help students pursue surgical careers. Building on the success of last year’s conference this year will provide another opportunity to hear from leading experts and have a go at various practical skills including suturing and laparoscopy.

Henry Li| Communication Officer
My years of experience in social media and marketing are helpful for advertising events and sharing news from organisations like the Royal College of Surgery and the Anatomy Society.
I am often available to answer questions and messages quickly, something that will be useful for events, whether that be in person or online.
I manage the Surgical Society website and also assist in ‘The Cutting Edge’

Morounshayo Oshodi| Women in Surgery Officer
Hi, my name is Shayo and I’m this year’s Women in Surgery officer. I am currently intercalating in Global Health. I am looking forward to working with the committee to firmly establish the new Women in Surgery officer and working to ensure that stereotypes and social pressures do not prevent anyone interested in surgery pursuing it.